Hi everyone!
I have been getting a few questions regarding Charlie and her agility training. I must admit that hubby and I are fortunate as his mother trains her. We don't do much training at all, we go to the trials to offer support and watch our little girl run.

Grandma has been running her dogs in agility for about six years. Her dogs, Archie and Annie can still do some agility but they are retiring. Annie has an illness that keeps her out of the ring. She is a very sporty girl. She is very fast and very focused. Annie has dozens of ribbons and awards. Archie has lots of ribbons too, he's just not an agility fellow. Archie is a lap dog, and he loves being a lap dog. They are both very sweet dogs. :o)

Charlie participates in three types of agility trials. They all have different scoring and leveling requirements. I can't follow them. It's all the same type of obstacles. The three Charlie is in are Canine Performance Events (CPE), Teacup Dogs Agility Association (TDAA), and American Kennel Club Agility (AKC). Lately we have been going to AKC events. We see a lot of the same people and dogs at the various events so we are getting to meet people and dogs too.

One of our new friends is a foster mom for the Seattle Pug Rescue. She has the sweetest little rescue pug right now named Lola. Lola has a liver disease that has stunted her growth. She is almost a year old but is about the size of a six month old. She is a doll and has stolen our hearts. We would gladly make room for her in our family if asked. :o)
I hope you look into agility for your dog if interested. The people are very nice and the trials are a lot of fun. You can see little yorkies all the way to big mastiffs like Mango. You can participate as much or as little as you like. It really helps socialize your dog and you meet people who love dogs as much as you do.

I have been reading bloggies as much as possible, but I am tired! My commute is much longer now and I have to get used to freeway driving again. I have loaded the CD changer with the Beatles so I can sing at the top of my voice to ease the freeway anxiety. I will be checking out some books on tape soon as my reading time has diminished. I used to have an hour for lunch now it's only a half hour. Lots of changes!
I wish you all health and happiness. I hope your summer is getting off to a good start. We have lots of babies back home for the summer. It is so much fun to meet the latest generation of the family.