March 29, 2009
Sunny Sunday
March 27, 2009
Happy Friday!
just a quick note to say hi and let you know that we have another new addition out family!!
Our nephew and his beautiful girlfriend had a baby boy this morning. We are very happy to welcome this new bundle of joy to our family. Welcome to Anthony, Jr!
We are going to have a nice quiet weekend, no doggie agility. We may get in the car and go to the ocean. We are expecting a storm with wind and rain this weekend and there is nothing better than watching them come in over the ocean. We will have pictures to share, of course,
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Spend time with your loved ones and tell them that you love them!
March 24, 2009
Signs of Spring and I Buy Tomato Trees So You Don't Have To
Signs of spring are finally popping up around our yard. I am so happy to see any of the bulbs bloom. About three years ago we bulldozed our yard and built a fence and a big deck. The dirt was shoved all around and my flower bulbs with it. The flowers show up all over the yard now. Every spring it is a surprise to see where my flowers grow. These daffodils popped up near the driveway. I have about three nice sized clumps of daffodils. We had one little crocus show up in the middle of the driveway. Hubby and I were really careful not to run it over, but one of the workmen next door (the house that burned down) drove over my poor crocus.
Crazy puppy dogs wondering what I am doing on the wrong side of the gate.
Here is our outside kitty. We think it's a girl, she adopted us about five years ago. She started hanging around the back door and was eating our other kitty's food. When we built the deck she moved to the front of the house and that is where she stays. When she first started hanging around, Hubby said I couldn't give her a name because we couldn't have anymore cats. We already had four ;o). We would always talk about "the other kitty", meaning the one outside. Well over the years, that has become her name...we call Other Kitty and she comes running. We still have one of our original four, but she hangs out in the laundry room or outside.
I was watching TV last week and I saw an ad for Giant Tree Tomatoes. I love home grown tomatoes. They are so much better than the grocery store ones. We have been talking about a small vegetable garden this year and the thought of Giant Tree Tomatoes...well, I couldn't resist! I mean the tomatoes in the ad were absolutely huge! Giant! As big as a man's hand...too big to fit on screen!
I was hooked. I had to have them. So I went online and ordered my very own Giant Tree Tomatoes.
Well imagine my amazement when they arrived yesterday and I saw the huge package waiting for me! I was so excited to see my new plants! Here they are...
Not exactly giants yet. I am actually kind of glad they are just seeds. I can start them in the house and move them outside when the weather finally warms up. We usually have to wait until May to plant tomatoes. I will also be growing some zucchini and patty pan squash when the weather gets warm. Oh, those are five inch scissors, I used them to show you how small the tomato containers were.
What do you have planned for your garden? Do you grows veggies? Do you grow flowers?
We are almost at midweek. Can you see that weekend out there??
March 22, 2009
Sorry it has been so quiet over at the puglette home. We have been just going about our normal days. We did get to celebrate a birthday and the arrival of spring on Friday. We got together with family and friends to celebrate my sister in law's birthday. We played bunco and had a lot of fun.

Tweedles has given me this Fabulous Award! Thank you so much Tweedles! You are so very sweet. :o)

Here are the rules to the award...
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post rules on your blog
3. Write five random things about yourself
4. Tag random people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they've been tagged
Ok, five random things about me -
I love cookies, chocolate cookies of any variety.
I was born an aunt.
I had polio as a baby.
I was on Antiques Roadshow. Ok, I was just in the background, but I was on the show! And I had my old family clock appraised.
When I was a teenager, I hung around backstage at rock concerts. I got to meet a few rock stars. :o)
I have done rules 1 - 3. But well, just about everyone has been tagged for this award. Please consider yourselves all tagged and fabulous!
I am so happy spring is on the way. It's mostly just a calendar change right now, but I see some signs of new growth in the gardens and parks in our neighborhood. I love the warm weather and can't wait for the warm evenings and sitting on our porch swing. We have daylight until after 7:00 already!

Here's hoping we all have a lovely spring. It's the time of the year that feels full of promise for beautiful days to come. Have a great week!
March 17, 2009
Warmest Wishes

March 15, 2009
Movie Time!
Here is some video of Saturday's agility trial. The first video is Charlie and the second one is grandma and her dog Annie. Annie is very good!
Charlie is back home snoring with Ollie on Dad's lap. We are happy to have her back home. She is so tired after her fun filled weekend with grandma. Daughter used to come home from sleep overs and nap all evening. Too much fun!
Take care everyone!
March 14, 2009
Top Dog Agility Trials
What? I'm dancing!
Minions! Fetch me some water and chicken broth.
But I got all of these ribbons for you...shouldn't I get a present?
Charlie did really well today! We are so proud of her! Thanks, grandma for all of the wonderful ribbons! Charlie's ribbons are on the right, Archie and Annie have that huge stack of First Place ribbons on the left.
Charlie is spending the weekend with grandma so she can participate in agility all weekend. Hubby and I spent this afternoon at the trials and may go tomorrow. Charlie and the other dogs are so much fun to watch. The border collies get so excited they bark and bark through their run. I will have to tell you that I miss my Charlie very much. She sleeps on my pillow and no matter how much I may grumble about it, I miss that little kicking and snoring puppy.
Since it's just the four of us at home, Honey and Ollie have been enjoying the extra attention. Charlie really can act like a little diva! Anyway...last night I had a small bowl of beans with dinner. I set the bowl down so the two puppies could clean up for me. Ollie and Honey licked it clean, indeed.
I forgot about the bowl for a few minutes and was reminded that I should have picked it up when around the corner comes Ollie with the bowl up over his snout. Or where his snout would be if he had one. It was flapping up over his eyes, he was biting the opposite edge of the bowl. We started chuckling about how cute he was, so silly, when bonk! he walked right into my foot! I sit with one leg tucked up most of the time...he smacked into the sole of my foot! I almost spewed chocolate milk! Pugs...they are such little clowns!
I hope you are all having a good weekend!
talk to you soon!
March 10, 2009
March 9, 2009
More Agility Videos!
I have two movies from this past weekend. The first video is Charlie. She is in the Novice class. She had two runs each day so this video is kind of long. It's about 6 minutes.
The second video is Archie. He is more advanced than Charlie. I only filmed one of Archie's runs so that video is shorter. Archis is a very sweet Bichon Frise.
We sure had fun and hope you enjoy these little movies. We think Charlie is so cute running around we can't help but share!
AKC Agility - The Big Show
Wow! What a busy weekend! We spent all weekend at the Seattle Kennel Club dog show. There were so many people and dogs! So many cute dogs, and so many breeds I had never seen before. We had a lot of fun, even though they were long days.
This show was huge! There were dogs being shown all day with the winners at the end of the day. We hung out with the pugs on the first day. They were just adorable. So many wrinkles and curly tail and sparkling puggy eyes. We even got to hold some puppies!
The main floor had about a dozen show rings and the huge agility ring. They also had dog dancing and rally. Also on the main floor were 70 vendors selling all sorts of premium dog food, collars and leashes, toys and beds.
The upper level had booths set up with different dog breeds and information about them. That was my favorite area. It was a meet and greet with dogs! So many nice dogs...I wanted to hug and kiss them all. I loved the big dogs, the newfies and the Bernese mountain dogs. They were so adorable, just like big teddy bears.
Charlie was so good!! She just trots along on her leash, sniffing a bit but mostly just hanging out with us. She doesn't bat an eye at all the strangers and other dogs. Everyone just loved her. She was a very popular girl. People would stop us to pet her and take her picture. She had a cheering section for every agility run made up of people we had met and let them pet Charlie.
The agility trial was very fun. There were so many fabulous dogs running on both days of the show. Charlie did really well. She was fast and paid attention. She did not get any qualifying ribbons but she did so well we are sure it is just a matter of time before she moves up. She didn't want to do all the weave poles on one run and she knocked the bars off a few jumps. But she is so much better with getting her leash on at the end.
At most of the agility trials there aren't many spectators. Usually it's just the other dog owners hanging around watching. This was a huge public show and people paid $10.00 to walk around and watch the dogs. The agility drew a huge crowd. We were so happy with Charlie, the big crowd did not bother her at all. A few of the dogs went to see all the people, but not our Charlie!
Our niece came out to help her grandma on Sunday. Here she is with Charlie...isn't she a beautiful girl? She's a lovely teenager and we just loved having the day to spend with her.
Here is a little movie that hubby made. It is a blend of photos and snippets of the videos we took. I hope he will work on more movies so you can see Charlie's complete run. Have a good evening!