September 30, 2008
Champion Charlie!

September 28, 2008
Daisy's Story, part three

September 27, 2008
Sorry for the Delay!
I am sorry I took so long to add today's post about Daisy, but we were gone all day at Charlie's first Teacup Dog Agility Association competion! She did really well! I will let you know all about it soon and show you some cute pictures. Hubby will be making another movie...I am so proud of them both. :o)
We have another day of competition tomorrow, Sunday, so I may be late with the final post of Daisy's Story. So Roxy, ask Mom to be patient with me!
September 26, 2008
Daisy's Story part 2

We decided to get an airline carrier and take Daisy home. She was such and easy puppy. She seemed to sense her surroundings and limitations, she was amazing to watch.
Daisy had lost both of her eyes at a very early age. She had one eye scratched by a litter mate. Her little eye could not be saved. The conditions she was living in were not the best and she soon had an infection that carried over to her remaining eye. The vet in Wyoming decided to take that eye too. Poor little puppy was now completely sightless. This all happened within her first two months of life. Since she had not really had her sight for long, she did not know any different.
Daisy was a delightful little dog. We just loved her so much. She became my husband's constant companion. He took her to work with him everyday. Since he is a truck driver, she just rode along. She would snuggle in and snooze next to him or on his lap. Hubby would take her in to all the offices he stopped at, Daisy was taking hearts hostage everywhere she went. Everyone loved that sweet little puppy! Hubby actually tamed savage office workers with his little friend. No one could resist her charms.
We had such a great time, we had Daisy and our oldest dog Honey, a corgi / pommix. We took the girls on vacations all over Washington and Oregon. We loved to travel with the girls.
Everything was great, we had two sweet doggies and we loved them both. Honey did let Daisy know who was boss, especially when Daisy bumped into her. Daisy was amazing, hubby would put her on a strip of lawn, at the places he stopped for work. She would just stay on the lawn sniffing around, whenever she got too close to the edge, she would go back a bit and sniff around some more. She would find her boundaries and stay within them. We could take her anywhere and within 15 minutes she would have everything checked out and whould know where the food and water was.
We had a terrific year with our little puglette...
Our First Puglette: Daisy

September 25, 2008
Charlie's Movie
My genius husband made this short movie about Charlie and figured out how to post it on my blog. Enjoy!
My genius husband wrote that first line too! He really is a genius, but he's a smarty pants too. Ok, so here's Charlie's movie. She is the star, but all the puppies are pictured. Hubby created this cute little movie, he really is the best.
Please enjoy our little film :o)
Thank You!

Yay!! I did it!! Ok, this is Charlie when she was younger, six months old. She had her first birthday last month and is officially a big girl. Charlie is learning how to do agility. She goes to class with her Grandma Geri, hubby's mom. Charlie has her first official agility meet this weekend. She is a registered member of TDAA, Teacup Dog Agility Association. Ok, here's another blog challenge...can I add a video? That challenge may have to wait until hubby can help me. He's the computer guru in our house. So, my new friends, please stand by!
September 24, 2008
The First Puglette Ponders

So, I guess I should introduce you to my family. I have a wonderful husband and a delightful daughter. Delightful daughter is a grown up girl and has a life on her own. We are very proud of her! Hubby and I have been together a long time, he's a keeper.
Hubby and I share our house with four spoiled dogs and two cats. The dogs try to control things at the house, we have a constant battle to remind them that they are the pets and we are the masters. It's a losing battle...for us. I will now try to insert my first photos, if those go well I may just try a video.
OK, so the picture posted to the top of the post, not here where I wanted it. So, maybe I will hold off on the video for a bit. The picture above is our boy Ollie. He's a goofy guy. We also have a puglette, Charlie. I will post her picture and her video (she is a star in the making!) on the next post.