Nothing new or exciting over here. Charlie is recovering from her sickies and sounds much clearer every day. Ollie is snoozing and Honey puppy is still a cranky old lady.
I wanted to share one of my favorite past times. I love comics, and I read a bunch of web comics every morning. I also read some that are in newspapers online as well. I love them for their humor and the drawings. I really admire people that can draw well, my best are only stick figures.
This comic really hit home today. I have been having trouble sleeping lately and this made me laugh.

Please click on the comic if you can't read it clearly. This is Misery Loves Sherman and it's about a dysfunctional family that includes the Grim Reaper and two aliens.
Here is another comic I really enjoy, Sheldon. Sheldon is really cute, and he has a pug named Oso. The writer Dave Kellett, has a pug of his own so he has first hand experience with pug shedding and pug oddities. I recently bought this print on a t-shirt. Please click on the link or the picture to read it more clearly. It's very cute.
So that's what I do in the morning with my cup of coffee. It helps wake me up and starts the day with a smile or two. Let me know if you read any good comics online!