I decided that since there were going to be many people there watching me and my sweetie get married, I would opt for the girdle. You know, for the extra slimming effect. I also decided to add control top pantyhose. i was really, really sucked in. i hiked up that girdle and the control top hose and off we went.
On the ride to the ferry dock, I started panicking and worrying (it's what I do) and sweating and feeling over heated. By the time we arrived at the wedding location, the Washington Ferry Rhododendron, my iron clad under wear had started to roll over. I discreetly tried to pull up the roll and smooth out my under garments. Since it was just hubby to be and I in the car, I felt safe to yank everything up.
We arrived at the ferry dock and went in the small waiting room that was for walk on passengers. Our guests started to arrive and my nerves were still on active duty making sure everyone was taken care of and had their ticket for the boat. Finally, the ferry arrives and we are off, about 30 people walking on to the ferry in late November...everyone in warm coats except me, the bride in a fancy dress.

With all of the walking around and standing, my undies were heading south...in a hurry. Now my panic was really on, I was about to get married in front of all these people and a bunch of strangers that were just riding the ferry and my girdle and the control top panty hose were rolling down and down, getting thicker and thicker under my dress.

At first I had a few minutes to get to the restroom and yank everything back up. But this is a very short ferry trip! Just twenty minutes each way. As soon as the boat left the dock, we were standing with the minister and the ceremony began. Throughout the ceremony all I can think about is my underwear rolling down! "Can anyone see it?" "Can I stop it without drawing attention?" "What did my husband just say? Did he yada yada yada me???" "During our wedding vows!?" (Yes, he did!)
As soon as we said our "I do's" I wanted nothing more than to race off to the bathroom to pull up my girdle and hose that had now rolled down to around my thighs and were still heading south. But since we had only a short time on the ferry with the minister we had to sign the paperwork...and then friends and family were coming up to offer their well wishes. "Yes, yes...thank you, thank you..yes, the boat is lovely...thank you, I love my dress too!" Ack! Just let me get to the bathroom!!!
At last I made it to the restroom to yank up my rolling undies, they had made it all the way down to just above my knees. I was so relieved to finally be able to pull them up and be able to move freely again. Phew!!

So, dear JD, wear your comfy panties and not the girdle...or you may be sharing more with your audience than your sparkling personality!
I hope you have enjoyed my little tale. Our wedding was definitely a memorable event and not just because of my underwear!
hugs to you all!!