Hi everyone!
I wrote a very long post on my other blog, What Happened? about my wedding. Complete with photos!! Please come on over and take a look. More pug fun and adventures to follow soon!
May 30, 2010
May 28, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
Hi everyone!
We are looking forward to the three day weekend. Hubby has been traveling a lot this week and has had to spend three nights away from home.
We will be staying home watching movies and hubby will catch up on his sleep. He will have lots of company while napping!

We have two movies from Netflix ready to go for this weekend. Up in the Air and The Lovely Bones.
Our weather report is for cool and wet the entire holiday weekend. Perfect for napping and movie watching! We hope you have a great weekend.

We are looking forward to the three day weekend. Hubby has been traveling a lot this week and has had to spend three nights away from home.
We will be staying home watching movies and hubby will catch up on his sleep. He will have lots of company while napping!
We have two movies from Netflix ready to go for this weekend. Up in the Air and The Lovely Bones.
Our weather report is for cool and wet the entire holiday weekend. Perfect for napping and movie watching! We hope you have a great weekend.

May 24, 2010
Second Annual Ollie Day!
Hi everyone!
Today is the Second Annual Ollie Day, also known as Ollie's Got'cha Day. Please consider this a holiday, I am sorry but it will not be a paid holiday, but go ahead...take the day off. ;o)

In honor of Ollie Day I will share with you some of the terms of endearment we shower upon Ollie.

Ollie Wog
The Wogster
Mr. Wogerston
My Boyfriend
Lump of Love
The Wogster
Mr. Wogerston
My Boyfriend
Lump of Love
Mr. Woggie
Daddy's Boyfriend (they have a bromance)
Love Bug
Ollie is a well loved pug boy. He is sweet and gentle. He loves his Dad so much he stares up at him adoringly. Ollie will be my buddy during the day but as soon as Dad gets home I am only useful as a place to jump to Dad's arm chair. If Hubby talks to Ollie too much, you know that silly love talk, Ollie gets excited and licks hubby under his chin, all over his face.
Ollie is a shelter Rescue and could not be a better dog. I don't know how or why he came to be in a shelter, but we were lucky and blessed to have found him. Ollie is well mannered, gentle and loving. He will let Dodger chew on him and chase him around with out any snapping. And Ollie is the best dancer we know.

Thanks for sharing Ollie Day with us! I hope you have a great Ollie Day!
May 18, 2010
Pug Party Video!
Hi everyone!
I was looking at the Pug Village forum and found a link to a video from the Pug Gala we attended. It is really sweet and a great sample of how fun the party was. Also...Charlie is in the video! She is about halfway through the video running through an agility tunnel. She is also at the end doing the weave poles.
You can also see Tweedles and her mom Georgie trying out the agility jump. They are just before Charlie runs through the tunnel. You can see a cute black puggie in one of Melissa's adorable sweater vests and then Georgie helping Tweedles over the jump.
Isn't Tweedles just the cutest little pug? She is so small and dainty. Please keep Tweedles in your prayers, she had something in her belly that had to be removed. Her family is waiting to hear what the something is. I am sure they are on pins and needles waiting to hear test results. We love you Tweedles!!
Take care everyone!
I was looking at the Pug Village forum and found a link to a video from the Pug Gala we attended. It is really sweet and a great sample of how fun the party was. Also...Charlie is in the video! She is about halfway through the video running through an agility tunnel. She is also at the end doing the weave poles.
You can also see Tweedles and her mom Georgie trying out the agility jump. They are just before Charlie runs through the tunnel. You can see a cute black puggie in one of Melissa's adorable sweater vests and then Georgie helping Tweedles over the jump.
Isn't Tweedles just the cutest little pug? She is so small and dainty. Please keep Tweedles in your prayers, she had something in her belly that had to be removed. Her family is waiting to hear what the something is. I am sure they are on pins and needles waiting to hear test results. We love you Tweedles!!
2010 Seattle Pug Rescue Pug Gala from PNW Pleasures on Vimeo.
Take care everyone!
After the Pug Party
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Charlie went to agility with her grandma and came home with some new ribbons. She did not qualify in any runs but she had fun. Hubby and I stayed at home and played with the other pups.
As promised, here is part 2 of our Pug Gala adventure. :o)
After we left the pug party we walked over the the nearby off leash park. And to our surprise (not) the park was full of pugs! This park was not as nice as our local park, it was rather small and just a dirt lot. But we did have fun watching all the pugs run loose.

After the dog park hubby took us on a nice drive through Seattle as we headed home. People were out everywhere having a great time and enjoying the sunshine. We stopped at a restaurant and got some take out fish and chips and headed to a small park to eat our late lunch. This is an historic park in Seattle with a Giant! cowboy hat and a pair of cowboy boots. They have been recently repainted and looked great in the sunshine.

After the fun in the park we headed home with three tuckered out puggies. Little Dodger was pooped!! He closed his eyes and slept through out the evening and even slept in until 9: the next morning. This was his first pug party and first trip to an off leash park. A big day for our little puppy boy.
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Charlie went to agility with her grandma and came home with some new ribbons. She did not qualify in any runs but she had fun. Hubby and I stayed at home and played with the other pups.
As promised, here is part 2 of our Pug Gala adventure. :o)
After we left the pug party we walked over the the nearby off leash park. And to our surprise (not) the park was full of pugs! This park was not as nice as our local park, it was rather small and just a dirt lot. But we did have fun watching all the pugs run loose.
Hubby took a lot of great pictures at the dog park. There was even a white pug! She was very cute.
After the dog park hubby took us on a nice drive through Seattle as we headed home. People were out everywhere having a great time and enjoying the sunshine. We stopped at a restaurant and got some take out fish and chips and headed to a small park to eat our late lunch. This is an historic park in Seattle with a Giant! cowboy hat and a pair of cowboy boots. They have been recently repainted and looked great in the sunshine.
After the fun in the park we headed home with three tuckered out puggies. Little Dodger was pooped!! He closed his eyes and slept through out the evening and even slept in until 9: the next morning. This was his first pug party and first trip to an off leash park. A big day for our little puppy boy.
May 13, 2010
Best Cake Ever!
Hi everyone!
I know I promised more puggie goodness or today, but I need to show you this awesome cake instead. Puggies will follow soon!
Our daughter is a very creative young woman. She is currently a bakery department manager in a grocery store in the San Diego area. Her birthday is coming up on Sunday, May 16th. She will be 24. She posted the following photos on her facebook page.

Dear Daughter told me that she did not trust anyone else to make a cake for her. She made this awesome mushroom cake for herself. :o) The cake is white cake with a layer of chocolate frosting, strawberries and bananas. It is covered in butter cream frosting and then painted with an airbrush. I wish we were in San Diego to have a piece of this cake!!
Daughter has had an affection for mushrooms for quite some time. I have bought many mushroom items for her over the years. However, she will not eat them. I tried to trick her when she was young, and I succeeded for sometime. I used to make a yummy gravy out of cream of mushroom soup and put it over hamburger patties. She would gobble this up and really seemed to like it. She did ask about the little brown specks in the gravy but I would just tell her they were the little bits of meat and caramelized goodness from the bottom of the pan. This worked until I forgot to hide the empty can of soup in the garbage quickly enough. No amount of cajoling would get her to eat this again.
I love you very much, honey!! I would not trade a minute of my life with you for anything. You are brave and adventurous, funny and kind, thoughtful and sweet, beautiful and amazing. Happy Birthday!!

I know I promised more puggie goodness or today, but I need to show you this awesome cake instead. Puggies will follow soon!
Our daughter is a very creative young woman. She is currently a bakery department manager in a grocery store in the San Diego area. Her birthday is coming up on Sunday, May 16th. She will be 24. She posted the following photos on her facebook page.

Dear Daughter told me that she did not trust anyone else to make a cake for her. She made this awesome mushroom cake for herself. :o) The cake is white cake with a layer of chocolate frosting, strawberries and bananas. It is covered in butter cream frosting and then painted with an airbrush. I wish we were in San Diego to have a piece of this cake!!
Daughter has had an affection for mushrooms for quite some time. I have bought many mushroom items for her over the years. However, she will not eat them. I tried to trick her when she was young, and I succeeded for sometime. I used to make a yummy gravy out of cream of mushroom soup and put it over hamburger patties. She would gobble this up and really seemed to like it. She did ask about the little brown specks in the gravy but I would just tell her they were the little bits of meat and caramelized goodness from the bottom of the pan. This worked until I forgot to hide the empty can of soup in the garbage quickly enough. No amount of cajoling would get her to eat this again.
I love you very much, honey!! I would not trade a minute of my life with you for anything. You are brave and adventurous, funny and kind, thoughtful and sweet, beautiful and amazing. Happy Birthday!!

May 11, 2010
Pug Party!
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day. We had lovely weather both days and had lots of fun.
Saturday was the 15th Annual Seattle Pug Rescue's Pug Gala! I think there were a million cute pugs running around the park that day. The sun was shining and there was a lovely breeze, what a great day to party with friends and pugs.

I was really excited to attend this party as I was going to see Melissa and Melanie again and I was going to meet Tweedles and her moms. I quickly spotted Melissa as she was looking at the other vendors and taking pug photos. I gave her a big hug and told her I would be over at her booth to visit.
We stopped by the Seattle Pug Rescue table to meet and visit with a nice woman named Sandi who has approved us to be rescue volunteers. We are really excited about this and hope to help out soon. Since we have four doggies at home already we have decided to be short term, emercency foster parents and transport drivers. Hubby travels all across the state frequently and I can help with shorter trips and vet visits. We are ready to help puggies in need.

Next, off to see Melissa and Melanie and see their wonderful array of items for sale. I love all of Melissa's items. She has hand made items like stuffies and her well known sweater vests. The sweaters are so soft and bright in all the yummy colors. Melanie had a big basket of her hand made treasures as well. Her little bears are so soft and cuddly.

While stopping at Melissa's booth I noticed a cute little puggie girl in one of Melissa's sweater vests. I immediately knew who that sweet baby was...Tweedles!!! Tweedles is so tiny and petite. She is just as adorable in person as she is on her blog. I got to meet her family and friends. Her moms are so sweet and warm. I felt the instant friendship that comes from reading blogs. What a pleasure to finally meet some of my favorite bloggers and to have a face to remember when reading the fabulous poems and stories.

Charlie's Grandma attended the party as well. She took off with Charlie and we did not see them for hours! It is understandable, if you have a pug at a pug party you just get absorbed in the fun. Grandma hung out near the agility display area and chatted with the people she knew.

This was a great party as we met new and old friends and surrounded ourselves in puggie goodness. I can honestly say I don't know of any other dog breed that can have a huge party like this without having dog fights and growling and barking from the attendees. The pugs and their people are all happy and friendly.

After the pug party the fun continued. I will have to save that for another post. See you back here on Thursday!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day. We had lovely weather both days and had lots of fun.
Saturday was the 15th Annual Seattle Pug Rescue's Pug Gala! I think there were a million cute pugs running around the park that day. The sun was shining and there was a lovely breeze, what a great day to party with friends and pugs.

I was really excited to attend this party as I was going to see Melissa and Melanie again and I was going to meet Tweedles and her moms. I quickly spotted Melissa as she was looking at the other vendors and taking pug photos. I gave her a big hug and told her I would be over at her booth to visit.
We stopped by the Seattle Pug Rescue table to meet and visit with a nice woman named Sandi who has approved us to be rescue volunteers. We are really excited about this and hope to help out soon. Since we have four doggies at home already we have decided to be short term, emercency foster parents and transport drivers. Hubby travels all across the state frequently and I can help with shorter trips and vet visits. We are ready to help puggies in need.
Next, off to see Melissa and Melanie and see their wonderful array of items for sale. I love all of Melissa's items. She has hand made items like stuffies and her well known sweater vests. The sweaters are so soft and bright in all the yummy colors. Melanie had a big basket of her hand made treasures as well. Her little bears are so soft and cuddly.
While stopping at Melissa's booth I noticed a cute little puggie girl in one of Melissa's sweater vests. I immediately knew who that sweet baby was...Tweedles!!! Tweedles is so tiny and petite. She is just as adorable in person as she is on her blog. I got to meet her family and friends. Her moms are so sweet and warm. I felt the instant friendship that comes from reading blogs. What a pleasure to finally meet some of my favorite bloggers and to have a face to remember when reading the fabulous poems and stories.

Charlie's Grandma attended the party as well. She took off with Charlie and we did not see them for hours! It is understandable, if you have a pug at a pug party you just get absorbed in the fun. Grandma hung out near the agility display area and chatted with the people she knew.
This was a great party as we met new and old friends and surrounded ourselves in puggie goodness. I can honestly say I don't know of any other dog breed that can have a huge party like this without having dog fights and growling and barking from the attendees. The pugs and their people are all happy and friendly.
After the pug party the fun continued. I will have to save that for another post. See you back here on Thursday!
May 5, 2010
Shameless Self Promotion, Again
Hi everyone!
I wanted to let you all know that I have started a new blog. This blog, What Happened?, is more about just me. Of course I will still write about the doggies on Puglette Ponders because I love this blog with all of my heart. I am Puglette. Puglette is my online identity and I love it.
My new blog is more adult, I may let a naughty word or two slip out. But this is where I will share more personal thoughts. I really hope my blog-land friends will visit me there as well. Because I would not be the blogger or writer I am today without all the love and support I receive from all of my bloggie friends.
And here's a cute pug photo just because we all love them so.

I wanted to let you all know that I have started a new blog. This blog, What Happened?, is more about just me. Of course I will still write about the doggies on Puglette Ponders because I love this blog with all of my heart. I am Puglette. Puglette is my online identity and I love it.
My new blog is more adult, I may let a naughty word or two slip out. But this is where I will share more personal thoughts. I really hope my blog-land friends will visit me there as well. Because I would not be the blogger or writer I am today without all the love and support I receive from all of my bloggie friends.
And here's a cute pug photo just because we all love them so.
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